We’d like to make you aware you of a few changes to the ESOS legislation.
Following the passage of legislation for phase 3 via parliament, there are now requirements for:
• All participants to produce an ESOS report, including those using alternative compliance routes such as the ISO 50001 energy management system, and requires specific data to be incorporated. This includes information on energy savings made since the previous compliance date.
• ESOS clients to make high-level recommendations public on an annual basis.
• Participants, including those relying wholly or partly on alternative compliance routes, to produce and notify an ESOS action plan to the scheme administrator setting out any commitments to implement energy efficiency measures, and requires them to provide annual progress updates against actions they have committed to, following the submission of the compliance notification.
• Some of the additional information that is needed to be notified to the scheme administrator, as well as action plans and progress updates, to be publicly disclosed.
Our compliance team can help you in completing the ESOS phase through IS0 50001 and producing an ESOS report.
To learn more about the ESOS legislation update, please click here.