Our specialist team work with more than 500 bodyshops,
generating total savings of more than £5 million.

Better value utilities, independent energy and carbon management, from people who care about the body repair industry.
Procurement - Long-term energy savings through better procurement and access to group purchasing options.
Bill validation - Validate contracts and bills: refund overpayments and reduce costs.
Monitoring & usage reduction - Analyse existing usage and actively reduce consumption.
Compliance - Analysis and advice to meet regulations for total energy compliance.
Carbon management - Your bodyshop now has the opportunity to reduce energy costs, attract more business, and help the environment by becoming carbon neutral in accordance with PAS2060.
LED lighting - Make significant savings, and exceed manufacturers criteria on Lux levels, by switching to LED lighting. You can switch over to LED, with no upfront costs.
Electric vehicle charging points - Expert planning and grant advice, and installation support, to help generate new revenue streams for your business.
You can become Carbon Neutral.
Reduce costs, attract more business and help the environment.
Your bodyshop now has the opportunity to reduce energy costs, and attract more business, by becoming carbon neutral in accordance with PAS2060.
Customers are more likely to choose environmentally responsible businesses.
ECA Business Energy support more than 400 bodyshops throughout the UK.
Our specialists offer a proven programme to support your business to become Carbon Neutral. We will help you reduce carbon emissions, whilst offsetting carbon used by your bodyshop, through high quality certified carbon credits.
ECA Business Energy specialists will support your bodyshop to enjoy the benefits of becoming Carbon Neutral.
- Achieve carbon neutral status in accordance with PAS2060
- A team of more than 30 specialists with over 35 years experience supporting businesses
- Avoid future carbon taxes
- Reduce energy costs by implementing a carbon neutral plan
- 100% green electricity available through group buying options
- Help meet requirements of new business tenders
- Better engage staff, stakeholders and suppliers
- Ongoing support available to work towards NetZero
- Promote your achievements through marketing opportunities
- Most importantly, benefit from increased customer demand

Now available to your bodyshop: The bodyshop energy basket
Save on your bodyshop energy costs. Join hundreds of businesses, benefit from flexible purchasing.
Your bodyshop is invited to buy energy at rates only previously available to high volume users.
ECA Business Energy provides an opportunity for your bodyshop to join other bodyshops, to buy energy together.
When we pool energy volume, and buy on behalf of hundreds of businesses, we can negotiate significant cost savings for your bodyshop.
And that’s not all. The ECA Business Energy team track the energy market every day and buy energy blocks at different times during the year, to take advantage of lower market rates, rather than being restricted to one fixed purchase per annum.
Your bodyshop will save money with flexible purchasing from ECA Business Energy, compared to fixed contract agreements.
Benefits to your bodyshop:
- Pool your energy volume with other bodyshops to increase purchasing power
- Gain access to an energy product normally only available to high volume users
- Buy energy blocks at different times during the year, to take advantage of lower market rates
- Buy energy strategically as part of a fully managed risk management strategy
- Available for all electricity and gas supplies
- Add and remove supplies as required
- Guarantee 100% green renewable electricity
- Avoid overpayment with full invoice validation
- Agree individual payment terms (up to 28 days)
- Save time, by accessing ongoing reporting, and an online portal
And most importantly, benefit from reduced costs, compared to traditional energy purchasing.
ECA business energy make the buying decisions for the whole basket. Performance of the energy basket is subject to market conditions and savings are not guaranteed. Management fee applies. Acceptance on the basket is subject to individual client passing supplier credit stipulations.